Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Fragaria vesca Variegata

Common Name: Variegated Alpine Strawberry


Variegated Alpine Strawberry (Rosaceae Fragaria vesca Variegata) is a variegated Alpine Strawberry.  Will produce some small edible strawberries.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone(4)5
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some light shade
Moistureaverage, avoid dryness, avoid winter wet soils
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Flowerswhite, daisy-like
Fruitproduces a few small strawberry fruit
Leavestrifoliate compound, green with variable white variegation, crimson ting in winter
Stemsspreads by runners (stolons)
Dimensions6 by 12-18 inches (HS), works as a ground cover, plant in groups of 3-5 or more for best visual effect
Propagationdivision, digging up rooted platelets, rooting plantlets
Misc FactsFragaria is from the Latin name for the strawberry and comes from fragrans which refers to the smell of the fruit. vesca = weak, or thin and possible refers to the stalks on the runners. .AKA: Variegated Alpine Strawberry, Sow-teat Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry 'Variegata', SYN: Fragaria vesca albo-variegata
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage)
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