Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Salvia greggii

Common Name: Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage, Gregg Salvia


Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii) is a tender perennial (Zone #8). Grown as an annual in cooler climates.

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone8
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Moistureaverage, dry
Soil & Siteaverage, dry, must be well drained is best, many found growing in rocky sites
Growing Mediaaverage
Temperaturenot frost hardy
Flowershas large lower lip and smaller hood, borne 2 rank on a raceme, start to slow down during cool weather and short days
Leavesglabrous, aromatic mint scented, deciduous or semi evergreen
Stemssub shrub
Dimensionsusually is a small shrubby plant, 2-3 up to 5 in the wild
MaintenanceIn warmer climates may need pruning to maintain good form and promote flowering, It can be pruned hard.
Propagationsoftwood and semi hardwood cuttings, variable from seed, especially the hybrids
Native SiteMerico and Southwestern United States
Cultivar Originintroduced into cultivation in 1885
Misc Facts"Genus name comes from the Latin word salveo meaning to save or heal in reference to the purported medically curative properties attributed to some plants in the genus. Specific epithet honors Josiah Gregg (1806-1850), botanist and explorer, who first collected this plant on a trip through Texas to Mexico in the mid 1840s" (#144)
Author's NotesSince I live in hardiness zone #5 and have grown many different Salvia. greggi cultivars in containers. I needed to do little or no pruning. The have flowered continually form during the summer. Slowing down or stopping as it became fall.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (, #147-The Gardeners Guide to growing Salvias (John Sutton), #223- The Plant Lovers Guide to Salvias (John Whittlesey)
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