Family: Vitaceae

Scientific Name: Vitis riparia

Common Name: River Bank Grape, Frost grape


River Bank Grape (Vitis riparia) is an aggressive native vine producing grapes that are a source of food for birds and animals. Also known as Frost Grape.

Plant TypeSite author's observations, woody vines
Hardiness Zone3
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, shaded
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteforest edges, forests, meadows and fields, shores of rivers or lakes, in my opinion just about anywhere
Flowersgreenish yellow, borne on dropping panicles
Fruitblue to black, fleshy, acidic, tart, has seeds
Leavessimple, alternate, lobed, usually sharp teeth on the margins, can have yellow fall color
Stemsa vine, on old plants the base stem can reach over 5 inches in diameter, bark can exfoliate
Rootstap root
Dimensionsover 50 feet in length
Propagationseeds. cuttings
Native SiteNative to North America.
Misc FactsVitis stands for grapes and riparia is river banks.
Author's NotesAs a landscaper I have removed untold feet of this aggressive vine from properties. I have sampled the fruit and find it very tart with seeds.
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