Family: Ranunculaceae

Common Name: Clematis Vancouver series


The Vancouver series of Clematis are newer varieties that are very floriferous and hardy.

Plant TypeVines, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4-9
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, part shade
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerscolors: lavender, pink, white, cotton candy, purple, purple blue, etc.
Leavesdeciduous, green
Stemswoody vine
Dimensions5-8 feet tall depending on the variety
Cultivar OriginClearview Horticulture , Aldergrove, BC, Canada
Misc FactsAKA: Clematis Vancouver Starry Nights, Clematis Vancouver Danielle
Author's NotesI have grown Clematis Vancouver Starry nights and it is a phenomenal performer. It becomes totally covered with flowers. Lately we have been having trouble with this plant/ It blooms and than dies out and re-sprouts?
Notes & ReferenceClearview Horticulture web site
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