Family: Balsaminaceae

Scientific Name: Impatiens capensis

Common Name: Spotted Touch-me-not, Jewel weed


Jewel Weed (Impatiens capensis) A large growing native wildflower found in moist shaded areas. Has exploding seed capsule the at help propel the seeds away from the mother plant.

Plant TypeWild Flowers
Hardiness ZoneCold hardy to at least #4
Sunlightshaded areas
Moisturemoist to wet
Soil & Sitemoist to wet
Flowerspendent orange spotted flowers, tube-like with a large open mouth, good nectar source for insects
Fruitthin banana-shaped seeds pods, explode when ripe, propelling seeds in all directions
Leavessimple leaves, sharp toothed, alternate, green
Dimensions3-5 feet in spread, over 3 feet in height
Misc FactsThe juice has soothing and medicinal properties. Seems to work like Aloe vera. Young stems can be eaten. Native
Author's NotesWhen out in the field with my classes I would tell them to touch one of the ripe seeds pods. They would jump back when the pod expelled it's seeds. A interesting way many plants get the seeds away from the parent.
Notes & Reference#41-Wildflowers of Wisconsin (Stan Teikiela) , #49-The History and Folklore of North American Wildflowers (Timothy Coffey)
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