Family: Polygonaceae

Scientific Name: Fallopia scandens

Common Name: Climbing False Buckwheat


Climbing Buckwheat (Fallopia scandens) perennial vine that will run over anything in it's way. Once established as a weed it can be very hard to control.

Plant TypeWeeds, Vines
Sunlightvery tolerable, prefers some shade
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage, prefers moist edges of woodlands with some disturbance, tolerant
Flowersgreenish white flowers, borne in loose whorls along a raceme
Fruit3-angled achenes , dark brown to black
Leavessimple, alternate, green, cordate or ovate, smooth along the entire margins, hairless, indented at the base.
Stemsa twining vine, stems can become red
Dimensionsup to 20 feet long under ideal conditions
Propagationit is perennial, propagation by seed
Misc Factsaka: Climbing Buckwheat,
Author's NotesThis plant is a major weed pest in an old bed of Low Gro Fragrant Sumac. The vines twine around the stems making it difficult to remove. It is a constant battle. Late in the season when I pull the plants that were missed I can hear the seeds falling through the stems of the Sumac.
Notes & Reference#153-Illinois Wildflower (, #233-Go Botany (
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