Family: Cannaceae

Common Name: Canna Cannova series


Cannova Canna is a series of Canna that comes in 2 leaf colors and 8 flower colors. Have been bred to perform better in cooler summers.

Plant TypeBulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc., Perennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone7-10, annual else where
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Moistureaverage, moist to wet
Soil & Siteaverage, moist to wet
TemperatureTops will die at the first good frost. The rhizomes will tolerate light frosts but should be dug before the frost penetrates the ground and turns the rhizomes to mush.
Fruitwarty capsule, round hard seeds
Leavesgreen and bronze
Maintenancedead flowers can be deadheaded, cut off flower stalk after there are no buds left
Propagationdivision of rhizomes, hybrids probably will not come true by seeds, all Cannova Canna are plant patented
Native SiteSpecies Canna are native to the tropical areas of South America.
Cultivar Origindeveloped by Takii Seed
Misc FactsThe tubers should be lifted after the frost has killed the top. They should be cleaned and stored dry and cool. I like to store the clump whole and then divide it in the spring. Depending on your storage area they may need to be moistened. Check occasionally to see if the tubers are shriveling. AKA: Cannova Yellow, Cannova Rose, Cannova Bronze Scarlet, Cannova Bronze Orange, Canna lily, Cannova Orange Shades, Canna
Notes & Reference#162-The Gardeners Guide to Growing Cannas (Ian Cooke), Cannova web site (
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