Family: Buxaceae

Scientific Name: Buxus microphylla var. japonica Winter Gem

Common Name: Winter Gem Boxwood

DescriptionA Boxwood with larger glossy green foliage.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Broadleaf evergreen
Hardiness Zone(5)6
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, partial shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersinconspicuous, not ornamental, apetalous, white/yellowish, occur in the early spring, may smell
Leavesdark green
Dimensions4-5 by 4-5 feet (HS)
MaintenanceI like to shear the plants after the new foliage has hardened. If you shear to early, a lot of the new growth will be missed because it still may not have extended.
Misc FactsMany consider this Boxwood to be close to or the same as Wintergreen.
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