Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Opuntia microdasys albispina

Common Name: White Bunny Ears Cactus, Polka Dots, Polka Dot Cactus, Bunny Ears, Alba Bunny Ears

DescriptionA cute looking plant with masses of irritating barbed white spines that easily detach into fingers, clothes, etc.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Cactus
Hardiness Zone10
Moisturedry, dry out between waterings, grow dry in the winter
Soil & Sitewell drained
Flowersbright yellow
StemsPads are velvety with bright yellow areoles and glochids. The stems are called pads or cladodes which are flattened stems.
PropagationDetach a pad (very carefully), let the cut area air dry for a few days and than it will easily root in any well drained rooting media.
Native SiteMexico
Misc Factsaka: Angel Wings, Honey Bunny
Author's NotesBe careful when working with this plant. The nasty barbed spines get stuck in your fingers, you try to pull them out with your teeth and they get stuck in your lips (been there, done this).
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