Family: Aceraceae

Scientific Name: Acer rubrum Brandywine

Common Name: Brandywine Maple

DescriptionA Red Maple cultivar with a more consistent fall color.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4-9
Moistureaverage, moist, wet
Soil & Siteaverage, moist, wet
Flowersred, spring, male selection and doesn't form samara
Fruitmale selection with no fruit
Leavesgreen, lobed, fall color red
Dimensions25 feet tall with a 12 foot crown spread in 12 years
Cultivar OriginA 1982 cross (Acer rubrum 'October Glory' x Acer rubrum 'Autumn flame') conducted as part of a U. S. National Arboretum research project. Introduced into commerce in 1995.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr) , #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, The United States National Arboretum fact sheet
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