Family: Verbenaceae

Scientific Name: Duranta erecta Gold Edge

Common Name: Gold Edge Golden Dewdrop


'Gold Edge' Golden Dew Drop is a tropical gold variegated shrub. Grown as an annual in cold climates or as an indoor plant.

Plant TypeShrubs Broadleaf Evergreen
Hardiness Zone(8)9-11
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperaturehardy to 20-25 degrees F
Flowerslight blue, tubular
Fruitorange-yellow berries
Leavesevergreen, glossy green with gold edges, serrated
Stemsaxillary thorns are usually present on stems of mature plants, absent on young plants
Dimensions8 by 6 feet or larger (HS)
Maintenancecan be pruned or shaped
Native SiteFrom the New World from Florida, the Caribbean south to Brazil.
Misc FactsGenus name honors Castore Durante (c.1529-1590), Papal physician and botanist in Rome. Genus refers to an upright growth form.
Notes & Reference#156-San Marcos Growers web site (, #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (
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