Family: Ericaceae

Common Name: April Mist Rhododendron

DescriptionA smaller Rhododendron with white lavender tinged flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Broadleaf evergreen
Hardiness Zone(4)5
Sunlightmorning sun, part sun, tolerates full sun in good growing conditions
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteacidic, organic, well drained moist
Temperaturehardy to -20 degrees F
Flowersfunnel shaped, ½" to 2" across, white with lavender tinge
Stemsmulti stemmed
Dimensions3 feet, upright
Cultivar OriginIngrid Mehlquist, (minus Carolinianum Group x mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink') x dauricum, white form, selfed
Author's NotesThere seems to be different types of Rhododendron April Mist. If you google the plant results will show PJM April Mist, April Mist (hybridized by Dr. Gus Mehlquist) and April Mist (hybridized by Ingrid Mehlquist. The last is the one listed by The Rhododendron Society and the one I used. The description of this one matches the images I have.
Notes & Reference#216-The Rhododendron Society (
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