Family: Oleaceae

Scientific Name: Syringa reticulata Ivory Piilar

Common Name: Ivory Pillar Japanese Tree Lilac

DescriptionAn upright Japanese Tree Lilac.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone3-7
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerslarge white panicles, fading to brown, privet-like fragrance, starts blooming around mid to late June, after the other lilac
Fruitgold-tan capsules
Leavesdark green, simple
Stemsyounger bark is reddish brown with prominent lenticels
Dimensions20-25 by 10-15 feet, upright narrow growth habit
Maintenanceprune after flowering, remove dead wood, prune to maintain shape
Native SiteSpecies plants native to Japan.
Cultivar OriginCarlton's Plant Nursery 2000
Misc Facts#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr) ,#215-Johnson's Nursery, Menomonee Falls Wisconsin, (
Notes & ReferenceSyringa is Greek meaning "pipe", in reference to the hollow stems.
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