Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Coreopsis tinctoria Roulette

Common Name: Coreopsis Roulette

DescriptionAn easy to grow annual with mahogany red flowers accented by a second row of golden petals.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowers1.5 inches mahogany red with an accent of golden petals, not every flower on the plant will have the accent petals many will be just mahogany
Leavesdivided into thin segments
Dimensions24-30 inches tall, space 12 inches, best plant close together so the plants can support each other
Maintenanceprobably will need to be staked, when dead heading be careful not to cut off the next bud, many times they are located on the next node just below the dead flower
Propagationvery easy from and quick to bloom from seed
Native SiteNorth America
Misc Facts"Tinctoria is derived from Latin tinctus (dyed, stained, tinged) meaning ‘used in dyeing’". (#145)
Author's NotesGrew this annual in the summer of 2015. Very easy from seed and bloomed continually for most of the summer. As mentioned above my plants didn't have as high percentage of flowers with the golden petals accent as being claimed by the seed companies. Probably only 25-35%.
Notes & Reference#109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterrowd), #145-Plant Lives, (Sue Eland)
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