Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Abies balsamea

Common Name: Balsam Fir


The Balsam Fir (Abies balasamea) is a narrow, pyramidal tree with dark green, evergreen flat needles. It is commonly used as a Christmas tree.

Plant TypeTrees Coniferous, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone2-6
Sunlightfull, can tolerate some shade
Moistureaverage, prefers moist
Soil & Siteaverage, humusy, woodsy, acidic
Temperatureprefers cool temperatures
Fruit1 3/4"-3 1/4" long cones
Leavesneedles, evergreen, flat, white underside, arrange in horizontal ranks, 3/8"-1/4" long, aromatic when crushed, pictinate or comb like arrangement
Stemsbark produces blisters of sap
Dimensions40-60 to 100 feet tall, steeple-shaped
Native SiteNorthern USA and Canada.
Misc FactsCommonly used as Christmas trees. Abies is the Latin name for silver fir. AKA: Balm of Gilead; Balsam Fir;
Author's NotesAs a child growing up in the Superior, Wisconsin (USA) area, I frequently encountered this tree and would often get my hands sticky from the sap blisters on the bark.
Notes & Reference#66-Trees of Eastern and North central USA and Canada (Harlow), #181-Native Trees for North America (Guy Sternberg), #152B-The Flora of Wisconsin (, #258- Gymnosperm Database (
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