Family: Caprifoliaceae

Scientific Name: Viburnum sieboldi Wavecrest

Common Name: Wavecrest Viburnum,


Wavecrest Viburnum (Viburnum sieboldii) is a  large growing Viburnum with red spring foliage and white flowers followed by red berries.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny. part sun
Moistureaverage, moist, avoid dry
Soil & Siteaverage, moist
Fruitred, borne on a panicle with red pedicels
Leavesreddish in spring maturing to green
Dimensionscan reach 15-18 by 1/2 to 3/4 spread, can be grown as a single stem plant
Cultivar OriginIntroduced by Dr. Eugene Coffman of Bellevue Iowa after he received it from Bob Tomayer of Wavecrest Nursery, Michigan, hence its name.
Misc FactsAKA: Wavecrest Sieboldi Viburnum
Notes & Reference#214-Classic Viburnums (
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