Family: Caprifoliaceae

Scientific Name: Sambucus racemosa susp pubens

Common Name: Scarlet Elderberry, American Red Elderberry

DescriptionThis section has information and images of Scarlett Elderberry growing in natural sites.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull sun to shaded
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage to moist soils in moist woods, fields rocky woods and ravines
Flowerssmall creamy white flowers
Fruitberry-like drupes, food for many forms of wildlife, toxic to humans unless cooked
Leavesgreen, opposite and pinnately compound with 5-7 serrated leaflets, usually glossy above and downy below
Dimensions12-25 feet by 12-25 feet (HS)
Native SiteCanada and North America
Misc FactsSambucus is derived from the Greek word "sambuca" a string instrument was supposedly made from the wood of the elder. Pubens means downy. Early Native Americans used: the straight stems for arrows, hollowed stems for spouts to gather maple sap or bore holes and made them into flutes. (aka Sambucus pubens)
Author's NotesI have seen this shrub many times in natural sites. Seems to be found mostly in areas that get good sun with some shade. I am assuming the sites are moist?
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr) , #75-Encyclopedia of Nuts, Berries and Seeds (John Heinerman), #100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Merel Black and Emmet Judziewicz)
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