Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Pinus mugo Valley Cushion

Common Name: Valley Cushion Mugo Pine

DescriptionA very hardy, low growing wide spreading Mugo Pine.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Dwarf Conifers
Hardiness Zone2-7
Soil & Siteaveage
Fruitwoody cones
Leavesreddish buds open to green leaves
Dimensions2-3 feet tall by wider spread, slow growing
MaintenanceThe best way to keep this conifer to size is annual pruning. This is accomplished by pruning back the new growth called candles. Since this is a slow growing cultivar pruning maybe delayed, on longer cycles or never needed.
Native SiteSpecies plant native to mountains of central and southern Europe.
Cultivar OriginSelected at the North Willamette Research Station in Oregon, USA.
Notes & Reference01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #38-Conifers for your Garden (Adrian Bloom), Isles nursery web site (
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