Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Phalaris arundinacea

Common Name: Reed Canary Grass


Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is an extremely adaptable invasive grass. Forms monotypic colonies pushing out the native wetland species.

Plant TypeWeeds, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone5
Moisturewet to moist but can grown in avenge to dry
Soil & Sitewet to moist, invasive in wet lands
Fruitshiny brown seeds, ripen in June
Leavesflat, rough texture on both surfaces
Stemshairless, smooth, round
Dimensions2-5 feet tall, forms a sod
MaintenanceVery difficult to control and eradicate. Creates long lasting seed banks.
Propagationnaturally propagates from seeds or creeping rhizoms
Native SiteEurasia
Cultivar OriginProbably brought from Eurasia to be used as forage and erosion control.
Author's NotesOn my land there is a wet area and the Reed Canary Grass has taken it over. Pushing out the Cattails that were once found in this area.
Notes & Reference#101-Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest (Betty Czarapata)
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