Family: Ranunculaceae

Scientific Name: Cimicifuga racemosa

Common Name: Snake Root, Cohosh Bugbane, Fairy Candles, Black Snake Root

DescriptionA large bush-like plant that produces tall white spires in the summer. A denizen of the moist shady areas of the garden.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightshade, semi-shade
Moistureprefers moist but tolerates average, leaves will brown out in dry conditions
Soil & Sitewoodland, moderately acid (ph 5-6), moist
Flowerslong white candles (racemes) of pearly buds reaching up to two feet, lasts for over 2-3 weeks, late summer
Leavescompound deeply divided saw edge leaves, bronze-olive color in spring
Dimensionsover 6 feet tall depending on the growing conditions, planting 3 in a group 2 feet apart will create a dramatic effect, slowly spreads to form a patch
Maintenanceaddition of organic mulch helps to maintain soil moisture, will reseed but not agressivly
Propagationeasy from division, difficult from seeds.
Native SiteNative to eastern USA.
Misc FactsCimicifuga is derived from cimex meaning bug and fugo to flee. This plant has insecticidal properties.
Author's NotesThe first time I grew this plant, the site was in deep shade and the plants didn't put on much growth. After a few branches of a large Magnolia were removed the plants have taken off. They have been in this spot for over 15-20 years.
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