Family: Araliaceae

Scientific Name: Dizygotheca elegantissima

Common Name: False Aralia, Spider Aralia

DescriptionA finicky plant that is rather hard to keep alive. Subject to frequent plant-tantrums.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zonetropical
Sunlightbright but not direct with a minimum of 150 foot-candles
Moistureevenly moist, needs high humidity
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house plus, 60-70 degrees plus, below 60 degrees is not a good idea
LeavesThe leaves are palmately compound and very narrow. Young leaves are bronze turning to greenish brown and petioles are mottled with white. Leaves on older plants are broader and more leathery.
Stemswill become woody
DimensionsIn its native sites it can reach 20 feet, much smaller in the interior of buildings.
Maintenancepicking up the dead leaves
Propagationseeds, cuttings, air layering
Native SiteNative to New Hebrides, an area just north of New Zealand.
Author's NotesWhen we grow this plant in the greenhouseit is rather easy, but when moved into the house it becomes a bit more difficult. Put the pot on a pebbled lined try for humidity and provide with a warm, site or else it will have a major plant-tantrum.
Notes & Reference#17-The World of House Plants (Elvin McDonald) #18-House Plant Encyclopedia (Nico Vermeulen), #158-Plantepedia (Maggie Stuckey)
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