Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Erythronium hendersonnii

Common Name: Henderson's fawn lily

DescriptionA native western American plant.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone5
Soil & Siteaveage
Flowerslily-like, nodding, tepals light to dark purple at tips, fading to white toward the center, dark purple centers, borne on a raceme
Leavesbasal leaves, mottled
Stemsupright stem pale pink to reddish, leafless, subterraneum stem a bulb
Rootsfibrous off of bulb
Dimensions12 plue inches
Propagationbulbs, slow to increase
Native SiteSiskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon and northern California in schrubb and woodlands.
Cultivar OriginSpecies is named for Louis F. Henderson, who has been called "The Grand Old Man of Northwest Botany."
Notes & Reference#112-Bulbs of North America (Jane McGary)
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