Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Helictotrichon sempervirens Saphirsprudel

Common Name: Sapphire Blue Oats Grass

DescriptionA clump forming grass with glaucous blue foliage. Sapphire is reported to be a better form of the species. Many people think they are the same.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull, tolerates some shade
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Flowersone-sided panicles, mature to brown
Leavesstiff, spiky, steel blue leaf blades, taper to a point
Dimensions1-1.5 tall, 2 feet wide, taller with the flower inflorescence
Maintenancecut back in the fall, if left for winter interest there will be a lot of dead foliage matted at the base to remove, don't pull out the plant when removing
Misc FactsThe Blue Oats grass resembles a Fescue but is much hardier in Zone #5. The genus name Helictotrichon comes from the Greek words 'helictos' meaning "twisted" or "spiral" and 'trichos' meaning "hair" or "spine" in reference to the twisted awns with the specific epithet meaning evergreen (#156).
Author's NotesThe Blue Oats Grass is longer lasting than the Blue Fescue for me in zone #5. But is at least twice the size.
Notes & Reference#40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills) , #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #156-San Marcos Growers web site (
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