Family: Cannabaceae

Common Name: Sunbeam Gold Hops

DescriptionA perennial vine that dies back to the ground each year. Good to brighten up areas of the garden. Reported not to be as rampart as the straight species plant.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Vines
Hardiness Zone(4)5
Sunlightfull. mostly sunny, partial shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Fruitstrobiles (scaly cones)
Leavesyellow, yellow-green, opposite, 3-5 lobes, cordate base, may burn in full sun
Stemsrhizomes, above ground stem dies each year, twinning stem
Dimensions15-30 feet in one growing season, twinning vine
Cultivar OriginDiscovered by Dr. Al Haunold as a seedling at the USDA Research Farm in Corvallis Oregon (USA) in 1990.
Misc FactsThe strobiles (scaly cones) on the female plant produce "lupulin" which is used to flavor beer.
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