Family: Hemerocallidaceae

Common Name: Tangerine Daylily

DescriptionA heirloom Daylily with tangerine orange flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerstangerine orange
Leavesstrap like leaves, emerge from a crown just underneath the soil
Dimensions20 inches
MaintenanceThe maintenance of this plant is rather easy and can be treated like most perennials, which is cutting off the dead foliage in the fall when the plant is going dormant. Another way I like to do is clean the plant up after bloom and when the foliage starts to look a bit sad. Cut it back in a fan shape 4-6 inch above the ground. It will regrow and fill in with fresh foliage (hardiness zone #5). Likes to be fertilized in the spring and fall.
Propagationdivision in late summer early fall is best, can also be divided in the spring
Cultivar Origin1906, Award of Merit of Royal Horticultural Society in 1931
Notes & Reference#118-Daylilies (AB Stout), AHS
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