Family: Geraniaceae

Scientific Name: Geranium endressi Wargrave Pink

Common Name: Wargrave Pink Geranium

DescriptionA medium tall, narrow spreading plant for the semi-shaded area of the garden. Produces small clear pink flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowers1 inch clear pink flowers have notched petals, mid June through July
Fruitdistinctive beaked seed capsules, hence the common name of crane’s bill (geranium in Greek means crane
Dimensions12-16" tall by a spread of 12 inches
MaintenanceAfter the flowers are spent the plant benefits from a cutting back to encourage new growth. Be careful when weeding around these plants it is easy to dislodge or break off parts of the plant.
Native SiteWestern Pyrenees
Cultivar OriginWaterer and Sons Nursery 1930, species cultivated since 1812
Author's NotesWargrave Pink is not real strong grower and will tend to flop. I like to mass a few together supporting each other avoiding, the open center look.
Notes & Reference#231- The Gardeners Guide to Growing Hardy Geraniums (Trevor Bath, Joy Jones)
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