Family: Caprifoliaceae

Scientific Name: Viburnum rafinesquianum var affine

Common Name: Downy Arrowwood Viburnum, Southern Viburnum

DescriptionA native shrub not commonly available in the nursery trade. "Will survive in impoverished soil, sun or shade, and heat and drought". (#185)
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4-7
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade tolerance
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersinconspicuous white flowers, purple fruits or seeds, listed as malodorous but to me not to bad
Leavesgreen, simple, glabrous or pubescent only on the veins
Dimensions6 by 6 feet, multistemmed
Propagationcold stratified seeds
Native Site"A native species inhabiting Canada and the eastern United States and westward to Arkansas, Missouri, and Kentucky". (#185)
Notes & Reference#106-Viburnums (Michael Dirr), #185-Classic Viburnums (
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