Family: Fumariaceae

Scientific Name: Dicentra x formosa Luxuriant

Common Name: Luxuriant Bleeding Heart

DescriptionA fern leaf Bleeding Heart that will not go dormant like the Old Fashion Bleeding Heart if given the proper site.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-9
Sunlightshade, part shade
Moistureaverage to moist, dislikes dry which can cause dormancy
Soil & Siteaverage, moist, organic, never soggy or poorly drained
Temperaturedoes best in the cooler range of it's hardiness zone
Flowerspendulous red flowers borne on scapes holding the flowers above the foliage
Leavesgreen to blue green, triangular 3 times pinnately divided
Stemscentral horizontal running rhyzomes
Dimensions12-18" tall and spread, mounding
Maintenancedeadheading will encourage a longer bloom period
Native SiteThe species Dicentra formosa is native to the Western part of the United States.
Cultivar OriginA cross between Dicentra formosa × Dicentra peregrina
Author's NotesWhen I ran a perennial nursery back in the 1980's this was one of the first hybrid fern leaf Bleeding Hearts to appear on the market.
Notes & Reference#115-Bleeding Hearts, Cordylis and Their Relatives (Mark Tebbit, Magnus Liden, Henrik Zetterlund)
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