Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Phaseolus coccineus Painted Lady

Common Name: Painted Lady Runner Bean


Painted Lady Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus) An heirloom vigorous vine with red-orange and white flowers. Crispy bean-flavored blossoms and the flat green pods are edible, and also can be used as a dried bean.  Attracts lots of Hummingbirds.

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone8-10
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Temperaturesensitive to frost
Flowersbi-color, orangish red and white
Fruitdehiscent dry fruit called a pod, mocha colored dried beans
Stemsaggressive twinning stems
Dimensions8-10 feet, vine
Maintenanceneeds a support, young twinning vines may need to be trained
Propagationseeds after danger of last frost has passed
Native SitePhaseolus coccineus is native to the tropical Americas. Has been in cultivation at least since the 19th century
Misc FactsPhaseolus derived from Greek for Fava beans.
Notes & Reference#109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterroud)
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