Family: Acanthaceae

Scientific Name: Justica brandegeeana

Common Name: Shrimp Plant

DescriptionThe plants name is in reference to the colorful bracts that look like a shrimp. Relatively easy to grow as a house plant or a potted patio plant.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Sunlightfull, bright
Moistureevenly moist
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house
Flowersspikes of over lapping reddish brown bracts, actual flowers are small, white and push through the bracts
Stemsshrubby, wiry stems
MaintenanceIn the spring, prune back to encourage new growth.
Native SiteMexico
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf) , #18-House Plant Encyclopedia (Nico Vermeulen)
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