Family: Liliaceae

Common Name: Hosta Patriot

DescriptionA very popular medium Hosta. The leaves are dark green in the center with a wide white margin. One of the best white variegated Hosta available.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightshade to semi-shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerslavender, late July on 30" scapes.
Leavesdark green, with a wide white margin.
Dimensions20-24" high by over 4 foot spread
Misc FactsA mutation of Hosta Francee, 1991, John Machen of Mobjack Nurseries.
Author's NotesUsed this many times in landscapes and have some in my yard. A real nice plant holding the variegation throughout the summer.
Notes & Reference#50-The Hosta Handbook (Mark R. Zillis)
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