Family: Scrophulariaceae

Scientific Name: Sutera cordata Golden Pearls

Common Name: Golden Pearls Bocopa

DescriptionA golden/yellow foliage version of Bocopa. A tender perennial grown as an annual.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone9-11
Sunlightfor me morning sun has worked, full sun must be kept moist
Moistureevenly moist, increase the water as the plant matures and becomes root bound, allowing to dry out will result in dropping of flowers and checking growth
Soil & Sitehumus rich, well drained
Temperaturesensitive to light frosts
Flowerswhite, small, five petals, blooms all summer
Leavesheart shaped, golden yellow to yellow, with green coloration along mid vein towards base of leaf
MaintenancePruning to keep the plant in good physical shape especially as the plants fill out the growing containers. Also a good shake will knock off most of the dead leaves.
Propagationtip cuttings
Native SiteNative to South Africa.
Misc FactsGenus named after botanist Johah Suter (1766-1827). Cordata refers to the heart shaped leaves.
Notes & Reference#109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterroud)
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