Family: Liliaceae

Common Name: Hosta August Moon

DescriptionA medium size yellow leaf Hosta.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightshady, mostly shady, partial sun, direct sun will burn the leaves
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerswhite to light lavender flowers on scapes just above the foliage.
Leavesgolden yellow, slightly corrugated
DimensionsA six year old plant in one of my gardens is almost 4 feet wide by 24 inches tall.
Cultivar OriginThe plant was first described in 1969 and finally registered in 1996 by the AHS. Registered by Peter Ruh, originator R. Langfelder and named by Alex summers. Parentage is unknown.
Author's NotesI had some large August Moon in a garden for many years. I moved them from a spot that was becoming deep shade because of the growing shrubs. In the new area they burn on the same place each season because it is in direct sun for a few hours.
Notes & Reference#33-Hosta the Flowering Foliage Plant (Diana Grenfell), #50-The Hosta Handbook (Mark R. Zillis)
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