Family: Berberidaceae

Scientific Name: Epimedium x rubrum

Common Name: Red Barrenwort

DescriptionA shaded loving ground cover perennial with red flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightshade to semi-shade
Moistureaverage to moist, not a good dry shade perennial
Soil & Siteaverage, moist
Flowersred petals and yellowish to red sepals, blooms last three weeks of Many into June
Leavescompound leaf, 9 leaflets
Dimensions8-12 inches tall, space 12-18 inches
Maintenancecut back the old foliage in the spring, good organic mulch helps the plants get established
Cultivar OriginCross between E. alpinum x E. grandiflorum
Author's NotesAlthough I have not grown this cultivar other Epimediums have lasted over 23 years in my gardens. Seem to be slow to start but given a few years they get established and flourish.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #79-Perennials For Every Purpose (Larry Hodgson),#167-Boerner Botanical Gardens (Wisconsin USA), bloom period data base
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