Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea quercifolia Alice

Common Name: Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea


'Alice' Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea) has large white inflorescencs and tolerates sun. An additional feature is the red fall foliage.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone(5)6-9
Sunlightsun to shaded,
Moistureaverage, moist, resents dry
Soil & Siteavenge, moist, humus
Temperaturedamage at -10 F, protection needed in zone #5 (#144)
Flowers10-14 inch inflorescence, creamy white, fading to a pink rose color
Leavesdark green, deeply-lobed, burgundy red fall foliage
Stemsexfoliate to a rich brown inner bark
Dimensions5-8 by 5-6 feet, broad rounded form, stoloniferous
Maintenanceflowers form on old wood, any pruning should be after bloom
Cultivar OriginIntroduced by Michael Dirr through Georgia Plant Introduction Program.
Misc FactsAKA: Alice Hydrangea, Oakleaf Hydrangea
Notes & Reference#85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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