Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Lilium lancifolium Splendens

Common Name: Splendens Tiger Lily

DescriptionA Tiger Lily type bulb with red orange flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone5-8
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Soil & Siteaverage, well drain, not soggy
Flowersreflexed tepals, orange with spots, pendulous
Stemsunbranded purple black stem
Dimensions6 feet
Maintenancedead head as soon as the flower fades, may need to be staked, best to move and divide in the late summer or fall when the plant is dormant, mulch helps survival in the colder end of the plants hardiness zone, let the plant die down to the ground
Propagationplanting the small black bulbils found in the axils of the leaves
Native SiteNative to China, Korea and Japan.
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