Family: Boraginaceae

Scientific Name: Anchusa borago

Common Name: Borage, Star Flower

DescriptionBorage is a good plant to add a true blue color to your garden. Has many culinary and medicinal uses
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Hardiness Zone7
Soil & Siteaverage, light, dry
Flowersstar shaped, 5 petaled, drooping blue flowers, black stamens, inflorescence is a cyme, reddish hairy peduncle
Leavesdark gray green, oval, pointed, with prickly white hairs, wavy margins, there is a variegated form
Stemswhite hairs, hollow, branching, cucumber scented
Dimensions12-18 inches tall
Maintenancereadily self seeds
Propagationseeds, reported best in situ
Author's NotesHave seen this plant used many times in gardens. I love the blue flower. With all of its nodding and open and closed flowers on the same cyme, it seems to have a "bad hair" day
Notes & Reference#44-The Complete Book of Herbs (Lesley Bremness), #116-Pulmonarias and The Borage Family (Masha Bennett)
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