Family: Campanulaceae

Scientific Name: Lobelia erinus Techno Heat

Common Name: Techno Heat Lobelia

DescriptionA series of Lobelia that are more heat tolerant along with intense colors.This is the best Lobelia cultivar that I have used. Really a tender perennial grown as an annual.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone9-11
Sunlightgrows best in morning light or filtered light
MoistureWhen grown in a garden Lobelia requires average water. In containers Lobelia rapidly fills in a pot and needs to be kept moist or the plant will quickly dry up.
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, never soggy
Growing Mediagrowing media for containers is best if well drained and moisture retentive
Temperaturepreforms best in the cooler time of the growing season, slows down in hot weather, has tolerated cooler temperatures to 40 F
Flowersfan shaped with two small petals and three broad petals, light and dark blue, white
Leavesnarrow, green or bronze.
Stemswiry, much branching forming a tangled web.
Dimensionssemi-trailing mounding growth habit
MaintenanceMay need a light shear in mid summer to promote new foliage and flowers. It can be cut back hard if needed
PropagationTiny seeds are slow to germinate. I like to seed directly into the final container, as opposed to seeding in a flat than pricking out.
Misc FactsNamed after Matthias De L'Obel, an English Botanists. Contains a poisonous alkaloid called Oleic acid.
Author's NotesAlthough this Lobelia seems to tolerate the heat better than others, I really don't think it likes full hot sun. At least my plants don't. But this is by far the best Lobelia cultivar I have used.
Notes & Reference#27-Rodale's Annual Gardens (Paul Loewer), #28-Cottage Garden Annuals(Clive Lane), #43-Taylor's Guide to Container Gardening, #109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterrowd)
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