Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Plectranthus australis

Common Name: Swedish Ivy

DescriptionA tough plant for the moderate to bright areas of your house. The name Swedish does not coincide with the botanical reality of this plant. It is native to Australia and the surrounding Pacific Islands. It is also not a true Ivy. Go figure?
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zonetropical
Sunlightdirect, moderate to bright
Moistureaverage, evenly moist
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house
Flowerssmall white, purple veined flowers on short spikes, can get a little messy when petals drop
Leavesmetallic, crenate margin,green and waxy.
Stemsstems cascade over the side of a pot, becomes brittle with age.
Dimensionseasily fills a 12" pot and has reached over 30" in our greenhouses
Maintenancepinched to maintain shape
PropagationIt roots easily from cuttings. When taking the cuttings use a pair of scissors or pruning shears. The cut stems can turn your fingers orange.
Native SiteAustralia, Pacific Islands
Author's NotesEvery year when we do cuttings of this plant, I don't tell the students about the orange stain. After taking a few cuttings their fingertips look like they have been eating cheese curls.
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf)
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