Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale

Common Name: Dandelion, Common Dandelion


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a weed that is the scourge of urban lawns but is also used in salads by a few others.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Weeds
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersgolden yellow composite flower, made of hundreds of ray flowers, no disk flower, flowers form a globular seed head containing hundreds of seeds with parachutes to float in the wind, seeds have no dormancy, the flower can self pollinate itself, two rows of bracts is under the flower, a perennial, flower stems are hollow
Fruitachene (dry fruit that separates from its holder) has attached fluff (pappus)
Leavesforms a rosette of deeply toothed, green lanceolate, runcinate
Stemsshort base stem is called a crown
Rootstap root
Dimensions1 plus feet
MaintenanceIf you pull out this plant and break off some of the tap root it will regrow, I have found it easy to control in the lawn using broadleaved herbicides
Propagationit reproduces by seeds, over winters via taproot
Misc FactsThe leaves, tap roots, and flowers are all edible. The deeply dentated leaves got their name from the French dent-de-lion, which translates to Lions Tooth. AKA: Irish daisy, lion's tooth, piss-in-bed, pissinlit, priest's crown, puffball, swine's snout, telltime, yellow gowan.
Author's NotesAs kids, we would do many things with this plant. Cut off the flowers and make rings out of the flower stems, linking them together to make chains. Take a flower stem and make 4-6 small slices at the end; when in water, they will curl up. We would have fights with them. We put our thumb on the flowers, popping them off at our friends. Boys will be boys!!!
Notes & Reference#19-Common Weeds (USDA Agricultural Research Service), #136-Weeds of the Northern US and Canada (France Royer, Richard Dickinson), #157-The Sunflower Family in the Upper Midwest (Thomas Antonio, Susanne Masi), "#171- Authors' observations and growing experiences "
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