Family: Liliaceae

Common Name: Waterlily Autumn Crocus

DescriptionA double flowering form of the Autumn Flowering Crocus.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone4-9
Sunlightneed at least 1/2 day of full sun
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersmany petals, Rosy-lilac, blooms in the fall
Leavesleaves disappear by the time the plant flowers, the large flowers cause this plant to flop after a rain, the flop can be minimized by planting among low perennials that will support the plant like Pachysandra (#113)
Dimensionsplant in group of 3 -5
Maintenancelifting and replanting every 2-3 years helps maintain the vigor of the plants, division and lifting should be done just after flowering or soon after the leaves die, corms can be stored dry, plant 3 inches deep, 6 inches on center
Cultivar OriginAn introduction from the Dutch Zocher and Co. Reported to be a cross between C. speciosa Album and C. autumnale Alboplenum. (#141)
Notes & Reference#113-Bulbs for Gardens Habits (Judy Glattstein), #141-Autumn Bulbs (Rod Leeds)
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