Family: Scrophulariaceae

Scientific Name: Mazus reptens alba

Common Name: White Mazus, White Cup Flower

DescriptionA low growing aggressive plant that will be covered with white blooms. Good for using in cracks and crevices of walks. It will tolerate light foot traffic.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5-8
Sunlightfull to half sun, half shade
Moistureprefers moist, average, well drained
Soil & Siteaverage, moist, well drained
Flowerswhite, blooms late April though May
Leavessimple, lance-shaped to elliptical, toothed
Dimensions2 inches tall, spread over 12 inches, mat forming
Maintenancehas a brazen habit of aggressive spreading, divide every 3-5 years to maintain plant vigor
Native SiteNative to the Himalayas.
Misc FactsMazus from the word "mazos" meaning teat, referring to the small rounded projections at the base of the mouth of the corolla. (syn M. miguelli}
Notes & Reference#36-Encyclopedia of Perennials (Christopher Woods),#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens (Kemper Center for Home Gardening) web site
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