Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Koeleria macrantha

Common Name: June Grass, Prairie June Grass


June Grass (Koeleria macrantha) A tough, low growing cool season prairie grass.

Plant TypeGrass Ornamental, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone4-9
Moistureaverage, dry, doesn't like wet soggy soils
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, doesn't like wet soggy soils
Temperaturegrows best in the cooler season
Flowersinflorescence erect, dense cylindrical panicle, pale chartreuse to pale tan
Leavesgrass blades are 5-6 inches tall, 1/8 inch wide
Dimensionsfoliage 1-1.5 feet, inflorescence 1-1.5 feet, grows in bunches
Propagationseed, division
Misc Facts(syn. K. pyramidata)
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd), #92-The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grass (Greenlee), #140-Prairie Plants of the UW Madison Arboretum (Theodore Cochrane, Kandis Elliot, Claudia Lipke)
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