Family: Oleaceae

Scientific Name: Chionanthus virginicus

Common Name: White Fringe Tree


White Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus) is classified as a small tree or shrub and is extremely attractive when it blooms.

Plant TypeTrees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4(5)-9
Sunlightfull to part sun
Moisturepreferrs moist, average
Soil & Siteprefers moist, average. grows along streams and swamps
Flowersmale and female flowers on separate trees, male more attractive because of longer petals, dropping white fragrant panicles, each with three blooms
Fruitfruit on female plants, blue to almost black, egg shaped drupe
Leavessimple, opposite, green, entire margin, fall color usually not significant but can be a yellow
Stemsscaly, brown tinged with red
Dimensionscan reach 25-30 feet in the wild, under landscape conditions 12-20 feet, variable in form
PropagationDouble-stratification: Expose seeds to a period of warm (68 degrees), moist stratification for 2-3 months, during which the radicle will emerge. Follow this treatment with cool (41 degrees), moist stratification for another 2-3 months. (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower data base)
Native SiteNative to the savannas and lowlands of the southeastern United States, from New Jersey south to Florida and west to Oklahoma and Texas.
Misc FactsThe genus name Chionanthus, meaning snow and flower, describes the blossoms. Found growing along streams and swamps. AKA: Fringe Tree, White Fringe Tree, Grayce Gray Beard, Old Man's Beard, Chionanthus virginicus, Virginia Snow Flower
Notes & Reference#1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #39-The Natural History of Trees (Donald Cultrose Pattie), #93-North American Landscape Trees (Arthur Lee Jacobson)
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