Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Panicum virgatum Shenandoah

Common Name: Shenandoah Switch Grass, Red Switch Grass

DescriptionA nice shorter grass with leaves turning to a wine to burgundy color late in the season.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone4
Moistureaverage, tolerates dryness once established
Soil & Siteaverage, dry once established
Temperaturewarm season grass, starts growing in the spring
Flowersinkish to reddish, changing to silvery gray
Leavesgreen can have a bluish ting, changing to wine or burgundy in the fall
Dimensions3-4 feet, upright growth habit
MaintenanceFor interest, structure and form allow plants to remain through the winter than cut back plants in the spring.
Native SiteThe species is a North American Prairie grass.
Cultivar OriginSelected by Hans Simon of Germany from seedling of Hans Herms.
Author's NotesThis is one of my favorite grasses for its foliage color change, size and hardiness. Have used it many times in different landscapes.
Notes & Reference#92-The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grass (Greenlee), #103-The Color Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses (Darke), #222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke)
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