Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Helianthus pauciflorus

Common Name: Stiff Sunflower


Stiff Leaf Sunflower (Helianthus pauciflorus) is a native plant found growing in medium to dry sites. It can be an aggressive spreader by rhizomes.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone5
Moistureprefers medium to dry, more xerophytic than many other sunflowers
Flowerscomposite flower, borne on long stalks, red-brown or reddish disk, ray flowers deep yellow
Fruitseeds found in 1/4 inch achenes
Leavessimple, opposite, gray to light green, 3-10 inches long, tapering to a short stalk or stalkless
Stemsunbranched or sparingly branched toward the apex, rhizomatous and can be aggressive
DimensionsIt can grow up to 2-5 feet in height and has the ability to spread quickly through rhizomes in favorable environments.
Propagationseeds, division
Native SiteNative prairie plant.
Misc FactsHelianthus from Greek "helios" meaning sun and "anthos" flower. Paciflorous for few flowers. SYN: Helianthus rigidus or H. laetiflorus, AKA: Showy Sunflower, Few Leafed Sunflower, Prairie Sunflower
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd),#100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Merel Black and Emmet Judziewicz), #140-Prairie Plants of the UW Madison Arboretum (Theodore Cochrane, Kandis Elliot, Claudia Lipke)
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