Family: Papaveraceae

Scientific Name: Papaver orientalis Whirlwind

Common Name: Whirlwind Poppy, Whirl Wind Poppy

DescriptionA Poppy with orange flowers and 4 dark markings on the petals.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersburnt orange, blooms first two weeks in June
Leavesafter the plant blooms it will go dormant and the foliage dies back, reappearing in the fall
MaintenanceBest planted in early fall, but spring is OK. The spring plants may not grow as strong until the fall or next spring. Make sure to place plants around the Poppy to cover the space left after it goes dormant.
Propagationsome named cultivars will come true from seed many won't, easily grown from root cuttings,
Native SiteSpecies native to northeastern Turkey and Iran.
Misc FactsThe ornamental Poppy has been in cultivation since at least 1817. Hybrid Poppy were first introduced by Amos Perry a English nurseryman.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #06-Perennials for the American Gardens (Ruth Rodgers Clausen and Nicolas H Ekstrom), Boerner Botanical Gardens data base
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