Family: Agavaceae

Scientific Name: Yucca elephantipes

Common Name: Yucca, Spineless Yucca

DescriptionA large growing tree for the interior of a building. Very easy to grow, tolerates a wide variety of growing conditions
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Sunlightprefers full to bright but will tolerate lower light conditions
Moistureevenly moist to approach dryness
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house
FlowersProbably won't flower in the house.
Leavesleaves are long, pointed and serrated on the edge. very sharp
Stemsstems will become fluted at the base, cardboard like outer bark
DimensionsCan be purchased as a short 2-3 foot plant. Pot may have a single cane or multiple canes. Will become very large with age. I have seen plants up to 8-10 feet tall.
Maintenanceremoval of dead leaves.
PropagationIt can be air layered at almost any point on the stem. I found this out when one of my students asked if he could get extra credit by doing some more air layers on the large Yucca. The layers he did were much lower into the older stem than what we had done in class. Much to my surprise they formed roots as fast as the other layers in the younger stems. Also propagated by tip cuttings and cane cuttings.
Native SiteMexico and Guatemala
Notes & Reference#2-Exotic Plant Manual,
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