Family: Saxifragaceae

Scientific Name: Astilboides tabularis

Common Name: Astilboides


Astilboides (Astilboides tubularis) has very large leaves that adds a tropical look to the not so tropical cooler climate gardens.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5
Sunlightpart to full shade
Moistureprefers moist never dry, dry conditions will cause deterioration of the leaves
Soil & Siteorganic, moist well drained
Flowerstiny, astilbe-like white flowers borne in panicles, seem to be very dainty for this large of a plant.
Leaves2-3 foot very large green, lobed, rounded, peltate leaves on 2-3 foot petioles, resembles a shield or a table top
Dimensions3-4 feet tall with a spread 2-3 feet
Propagationseeds, division
Native SiteNative to northern China.
Misc FactsGenus name means resembling Astilbe-like and species name means table. (syn Rodgersia tabularis)
Author's NotesWhen I walk past this plant it reminds me of a minature Rodgersia.
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