Family: Campanulaceae

Scientific Name: Lobelia speciosa Fan series

Common Name: Lobelia Fan series

DescriptionA beautiful vertical plant with blazing red flowers for the moist to wet site.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5-9
Sunlightfull to partial sun, full sun plants need moist sites
Moistureprefers moist to wet
Soil & Sitemoist to wet, humusy
Flowersvivid red, salmon and blue-purple spikes, attracts Hummingbirds and many flutterby's (butterfly's)
Leavesbronze to purple foliage, basal branching
Dimensions20 inches tall by a spread of up to 16 inches
Maintenancedead heading improves appearance and performance
Cultivar OriginBenary Seeds, Germany
Notes & ReferenceBenary seed company
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